Computer Use Policy

Adopted July 10, 2014

Revised May 31, 2018, Approved by Helper City Council June 7, 2018

Policy Statement

The use of computers and computer-based resources is an important part of the operation and services provided by the Helper Library. This policy is designed to manage the usage by the public of the library’s computer network and the resources it makes available. Library computer resources are to be used to advance the library’s mission. Patrons of the library who use the library’s network and the computer resources made available through this network will abide by the policies and procedures established by the library.

Legal Use

The public may only use computing resources for purposes that are lawful. The intent of this policy is to adhere to current State of Utah Laws and Utah Administrative Rules.

Violators of computer use policies and practices may result in the loss of library privileges. Illegal acts involving library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.

Licensed Databases

The library provides a wide variety of licensed databases for public use. The library will comply with the licenses and agreements pertaining to each of these products. The library will allow, or disallow, the general public use of these products in accordance with the licenses and agreements for each of these products.

Internet Access

The Internet is a global electronic network. There is no local or state control of its users or content. The Internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial nature. The library cannot censor access to material nor protect users from all offensive information.

The Library restricts access to sites that may contain obscene materials. The library will enforce requirements of the Utah State Laws and Administrative Rules concerning Internet access. The library uses filtering software on all public and staff computers that connect to the Internet. However, parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet through the library’s connection.

The Library cannot control the availability of information links, which often change rapidly and unpredictably. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. Users should question the validity of the information found on the Internet in the same way they question information found in books and other informational resources.

The Internet Access Policy is developed under the direction of the Library Board of the Helper Library and will be reviewed and revised by the Library Board of the Helper Library annually. A copy of the new policy will be sent to the Utah State Library Division.

Online Communication

The library will allow the general public access to online communication tools such as e-mail (electronic mail), instant messaging, chat rooms, and other online communication tools through the use of the library’s computer equipment and Internet connection. Established library rules and practices will govern online communications.

The library shall not be responsible for providing users with online communication accounts or assisting users with using their accounts. Library staff will make reasonable efforts to answer online communication related questions, but cannot be expected to be knowledgeable about the variety of systems and accounts available. The library does not endorse or promote any online communication provider, but may provide quick and easy access to common providers.

The library has no control over the content of messages a patron receives. Any illegal online communication activity may be reported to the appropriate authorities in accordance with the computer use policy and Utah State Law.

All policies governing acceptable use of Internet sites shall apply to online communication. Because Internet sites are often part of online communication messages, patrons may access those sites, provided they comply with the acceptable use policy as established by the library. Users shall be responsible for their own actions. Parents of minors shall be responsible for their child’s activities and online communication access.

Printing of online communication messages will be charged at the same rate as other printing from public computers.

Public Access

All patrons using the Library’s public access computer equipment, online resources, and licensed databases agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the library governing such equipment and resources. Violating these rules and regulations could result in loss of the library patron’s computer privileges, their general library privileges, and use of their library card.