Helper City Library Board Meeting September 25, 2023

Stacie called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

In attendance were Stacie Turpin, Ken Kotce, DG Fletcher, Brittany Pitcher, Olivia Dudding, Diana Grant, & Barbara Reagan.

Minutes from previous meeting: Stacie moved to approve & Ken seconded and all were in favor.

It was discussed getting our website updated. Diana will talk to Heidi about that.

The board also wants a report on who our “frequent flyers” are. Diana will talk to Heidi about that.

Director’s Report:

Book & a Movie – It was decided to hold the event Friday, October 20th since the next week would be too close to Halloween. Options for titles were discussed with Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, The House with a Clock in it’s Walls, Casper the Friendly Ghost & the second book of Harry Potter. We also discussed having an activity this time like painting mini pumpkins.

Certification – We will be receiving our certification which means we will also be receiving CLEF money.

Attendance – Comparing this fiscal year, which ended June 30th with last year, we are up 798 people.

Other Items of Interest:

Strategic Plan – Ken, Stacie & Barb manned a table at the last Helper Vibes. Ten library cards were applied for and 21 surveys were taken. QR codes were also handed out and the utility bill will also have a QR code on the back for the public to submit surveys.

Telescopes – The telescopes will be moved over to City Hall for the public to check out. Zack will be contacted to work out the logistics of this move.

Patron Behavior – We will go over the policy at the next meeting and vote at that time.

After School Program – Our goal is to have this program begin in November when other fall programs are coming to an end. Some suggestions were a Lego club, help with homework, music and arts & crafts. More ideas are needed at our next special meeting on Monday, October 9th at 6:00 pm. Diana will talk to Carly about how much funds we have in the account.

Vote for a New Member – Taylor Powelson was voted in as a new member of the Board. It will go before City Council October 5th for approval.

Stacie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm and was seconded with a unanimous vote.