Stacie called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm. In attendance were Stacie Turpin, Taylor Powelson, John Serfustini, Ken Kotce, Olivia Dudding, Diana Grant and Pam Juliano (a prospective member).
Heidi Fendrick, our state representative from the library, has left for a new job. We wish her well but will miss her and her expertise on advising our library.
The Book and a Movie was shown on October 25th in the Helper Auditorium. We showed Room on the Broom. 21 people attended and we served hot dogs, popcorn and candy which was donated by Zack Tonc. The kids had a good time as usual. Our next program will be in February and will be Wild Robot.
We started the after-school program on November 5th. We had 6 kids the first time and 4 the second but more came later. So far, we’re doing crafts but we plan on having the gym open upstairs for playing basketball. We are also offering help with homework with Angela Epstein volunteering for that position. We hope the word will spread and we get more kids participating.
We have two people interested in joining the board. We have applications at the library and will forward any to City Hall for consideration and on to City Council for a vote.
Diana submitted the annual statistical report to the state library. A couple of interesting facts are: we issued 62 new cards for the fiscal year. We have 1004 patrons with 125 of those from Price. We had 4,337 people in the door with a circulation of 12,087 which includes renewals. For Story Time, Summer Reading and a Book and a Movie, we had 821 in attendance.
Pam would like to donate yearbooks to the library. We have a few in the glass case in the reading room.
Taylor is interested in starting a Lego group for 7 – 9 year old’s. We do have some Legos so will do an inventory and see what we have and what projects we can do. We’ve done this in the past and it was very popular.
We obtained some cute Christmas glasses to give away in December. We will do a promotion for kids and adults to get a library card and also give them out to the kids at Story Time. We’ll post this on Facebook and have a poster in the library.
We had a motion and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.