Helper Library Board Minutes – October 3, 2024

Stacie called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.

Diana chose and bought books and a DVD for A Book and a Movie which will be Friday, October 25th. It will be Room on the Broom with an additional DVD of Garfield’s Halloween Adventure. This will take place in the Auditorium with a free book for every family who attend the movie. We decided not to do a December movie again this year, as we have in the past. Diana also showed the Board a beautiful glass award the library that was given by the State Library for going above and beyond with our library programs. It also means we don’t have to recertify next year.

The Board reviewed the Library Board Bylaws. After a discussion, it was voted to approve them as they are.

We discussed starting our after-school program soon. We would like to begin on Monday’s when middle school has “early out”. Amber would be doing crafts and Angela will do”help with homework”. This will get us started with kids coming to the library after school.

We talked about Wild Robot as a possible Book and a Movie. The next one will be in February.

We had two guests for the meeting with the possibility of one or both of them joining us on the Board. Sadly, Ken will be moving away and we need more members. Diana will talk to Zack about putting an ad in the paper for new members. Diana will also contact Celyn and see if she is interested in coming back.

We talked about doing a Christmas giveaway since we are not doing a Book and a Movie in December; something equal to giving away solar glasses.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 pm.