Patron Behavior Policy

Policy Statement

All people are welcome to use the Helper City Library and have access to information and library resources. In order to protect library users’ right of access, ensure the safety of users and staff, and protect Helper City Library’s resources and facilities, the Helper City Library prohibits activities that are illegal, interfere with the use of enjoyment of the Helper City Library by others, present health or security risks, damage library resources, or disrupt the normal flow of Helper City Library operations.

Patron Behavior

If patron behavior interferes with the use of the Helper City Library or disrupts the normal flow of Helper City Library operations but does not require external intervention immediately, the library employee with the assistance of another employee will follow these steps:

  • Inform the patron the behavior is inappropriate and if it is not stopped, they will be asked to leave.
  • Ask the patron to leave if the inappropriate behavior does not stop.
  • Call the police (911) if the patron refuses to leave or becomes threatening in any way.
  • File an incident report with the director of the library. The director will inform the Helper City Library Board of all incidents.

Behaviors That Are Prohibited or Inappropriate in the Library

  • Physical abuse (such as an altercation between two patrons or physically abusive behavior directed at a staff member)
  • Destruction of property (either that of other patrons, staff or library)
  • Theft
  • Extreme obscene language and verbal abuse
  • Consuming liquor or using illegal drugs on library premises
  • Intoxication
  • Soliciting for immoral purposes or for patronage (panhandling)
  • Threatening others; brandishing or displaying weapons
  • Smoking

Other Unacceptable Conduct in the Library

  • Eating and drinking outside of the designated lounge area
  • Conducting unauthorized sales or charitable solicitations in the library
  • Excessive noise
  • Offensive eccentric behavior
  • Leering/staring/loitering

Adopted July 10, 2014

Revised May 31, 2018, Approved by Helper City Council June 7, 2018

Reviewed Dec. 3, 2019 -no changes

Reviewed November 16, 2023 – no changes