Public Services Policy

Adopted July 10, 2014

Revised May 24, 2018, Approved by Helper City Council June 7, 2018

Policy Statement

Free use of the resources of the Helper City Library will be granted to patrons. Access to the library facility and in-house use of the resources will not be restricted to cardholders. Non-card holders, however, must comply with the library rules and regulations if they wish to use the available resources and facilities.

The presentation of an active library card is required to circulate library materials from the library or to access some licensed databases through the Internet. A library card shall be considered to be active if it is used at least once every two years, and has no outstanding charges. Any library card that is not used at least once every two years will be considered inactive and may be removed from the library patron file.

Library Card

All potential library patrons must complete a library application form and must comply with all the requirements in at least one of the following categories before receiving a library card.

Patrons aged 18 and older

Cards may be issued immediately if an applicant has current picture ID with address. Without identification there may be restrictions on the account.

Children 16-18

Children 16 or older do not need permission from a parent or guardian to obtain a library card. They must present picture ID. If a parent or guardian is present, they may provide verbal identification. Children 16 or older are responsible for materials checked out.

Children 15 or Younger

A parent or guardian’s signature is required to obtain a card for children 15 or younger. Children should be present at the time of application. The parent or guardian’s signature acknowledges responsibility for the library card and material borrowed against the card. The parent or guardian’s picture ID is required if the parent or guardian does not have a current library card.

Library patrons will be responsible for updating all personal information related to their library patron card (e.g. name changes, address, telephone, etc.).

Delinquencies and Other Charges

The patron, who is the library cardholder, is responsible for the care and return of materials checked out from the library. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for materials checked out by minors in their care.

The library is under no obligation to notify patrons of overdue library materials. If a patron has an email address and presents it to the librarian the computer will automatically inform them of any late or overdue items.

Patrons are responsible to maintain the library materials they check out of the library in reasonable condition during the time that they have the library materials in their possession. Reasonable condition is defined as normal wear and usage of library materials. Patrons who intentionally write upon, injure, deface, tear, cut, mutilate, destroy, or otherwise damage library materials will be billed for the replacement cost of the item.

If a patron checks out an item and then loses it, or does not return the item they will be required to pay for the item or replace it with an item of equal cost. Refunds will not be given for lost items that may be found later by the patron.

The general fiction collection, the non-fiction collection, the art print collection, and the equipment collection will be circulated for a period of two weeks to eligible patrons. The director of the library may impose restrictions, however, if there is a limited number of resources available or if there is excessive demand being placed on a particular item or collection of items.

Patrons will be allowed to renew items for up to three consecutive times after the initial checkout if no other patrons have requested the item.

Hours of Operation

The hours the Helper Library will be open to the public are no less than 36 hours per week.

Closing the library because of bad weather or other major problems will be at the determination of the director.

Privacy of Records

All records, formal and informal, in the Helper Library relating to patron registration
and the circulation by patron of materials provided by the library are to be confidential in nature.

In order to prevent an unreasonable invasion of privacy, the contents of registration and circulation records shall not be made available to anyone except to the subject of the record, or the parent or guardian of a minor who is the subject of the record or, except under legal process order, or subpoena under the law.

Upon receipt of any process, order or subpoena, the person named and/or served shall immediately report to and consult with the library director and the legal counsel of the City of Helper to determine if such a process, order of subpoena is proper and in full compliance with proper legal authority. In the event the legal process fails to sufficiently identify or name in specific terms or specifications the records on file in respect to an identified library patron, the request is considered to be defective and not binding upon the library and its personnel, except under further due process of the law.

Any problems or conditions relating to the privacy of a patron through the records of the Helper Library which are not provided in this policy statement shall be referred to the library director, who, after study and consultation with the library board and/or legal counsel, shall issue a written decision as to whether to heed the request for information.