
Mrs. Helen Goldner Ossana started this library in 1935 in the basement of the City Hall by donating 350 new volumes. The Helper Civic Auditorium, where the library is currently located, was built in 1937. It is a WPA Building and on the National Register of Historic Places.


We have 3 computers available for use. You do not have to have a library card to use the computers. There is a sign in sheet for first & last name & times in & out. Each day you will be able to use the computer for a total of 2 hours. You must check in and out each time you use the computer. Because there are only 3 computers, we sometimes find a line of people waiting to use the computer, some for homework. If this occurs we will ask those who have been on a computer for at least 30 minutes to leave the computer so someone else may use it to do what they need to get things done. We are proud of our community for their courtesy and assistance in this matter. Everyone has been very good about letting others use the computers when these events happen and we greatly appreciate all of you.


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Library Board

For Contact Information for Helper City Library Board please come visit the library or call the library at 435-472-5601.

Stacie Turpin

Second term expires October 1, 2025

Ken Kotce

Vice Chairperson
First term expires December 2, 2024

D G Fletcher

First term expires December 15, 2025

Olivia Dudding

First term expires October 6, 2025

Taylor Powelson

First term expires October 5, 2026

John Serfustini

Helper City Council Representative

Library Board Minutes

View Board Minutes